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When did it become Week 8

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!

Event Details

The Melodramatic Universe of Bollywood Cinema: Are you into romcoms? Action movies? Musicals? Why not all of them at the same time? Come to Prof. Brueck's fireside to learn about Bollywood, the second biggest film industry in the world, and what makes it so unique.

The Prom Watch Party: Come watch The Prom movie musical in preparation for Willard Formal!

The Block Museum Tour: We will be having a tour of the "Actions for the Earth: Art, Care & Ecology Exhibit" at the Block Museum. Because this event is in the middle of the day, we will meet directly at the Block Museum. If you've never been, its entrance is by the Arts Circle and entrance to Norris near MOD Pizza. Feel free to email if you need help finding it.

Willard Formal!: Buy your tickets! Ticket sales close Wednesday, Feb. 21. Some helpful info below (and in emails from the delightful Chloe Mintz).

Price: $15 for Willard residents and nonres, $25 for non-willard affiliated northwestern students (plus fees)

Financial Accessibility: Fill out this form if you are seeking financial assistance to purchase a formal ticket.

When: February 24, 8-10:30

Where: Floating World Events 

How to get there: Willard will provide transportation to the venue, departing at 7:15

Movie Night: We will be watching Judas and the Black Messiah in celebration of Black History Month.

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Writer's picture: willardexecwillardexec

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!

Event Details

Chocolate Strawberries & Cards: Stop by the WFFL to make chocolate-covered snacks and decorate Valentine's Day cards!

Paczki Fireside & Munchies: Willard Fellow Michal Wilczewski will be giving a talk about the history and significance of paczkis in Polish culture, followed by paczki Munchies!

Listening Party: Help make the formal playlist while listening to music and getting work done!

Double Tea Thursday: Sip tea and talk about love… or despair.

RCB Quiz Bowl: Sign up by Wednesday, Feb. 14!

“That Art Thing We Do”: Read more at the link here!

Need Spring Courses?

More info!


This course is an introduction to computer programming using Python and assumes no prior programming knowledge. Even if you're afraid of your computer, you can learn how to program. Most people who need to write computer programs are not computer scientists, but rather people who occupy a range of professions (journalists, geographers, sociologists, scientists, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, etc.) and who use various programming languages to accomplish diverse and specialized goals. While in 10 short weeks we can't become expert programmers, what we can do is start to see what sorts of tasks computers can be taught (programmed) to do and understand the steps necessary to program (teach) them how to do it.

This class involves working with data of all kinds: graphics, animation, music, games, and more. Feel free to send me an email ( with any questions!


In this course we will cover the queer history and culture of Germany, Austria, Poland, and Russia from the mid-19th century to the present. The course carries with it a literature and arts distro and foundational discipline. It’s cross-listed with German.

GERMAN 104-8:

We investigate the categories of race and religion as relevant to the ancient Greek Olympic Games; the 1936 Olympics in Berlin (Nazi Olympics); and the 1968 Mexico City Olympics (at which Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their fists on the podium of the 200 meters track race as symbol of Black Power). This is one of my favorite classes to teach, and also timely because of the Olympics this summer.

PYSCH 201:

An introduction to basic descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in psychological research. Topics will include measures of central tendency and variability, z-scores, normal distribution, hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square tests, and correlation. This stats course works for several majors/minors for the Statistics requirement. It also fulfills a Foundational Disciplines/Distro requirement.

PSYCH 205:

This course will introduce students to methods used in psychological research. Through readings, lectures, discussion, and hands-on activities (specifically the handling of a statistics program used for data collection and analyses), students will learn about the scientific approach to research designs and about the analysis and interpretation of data. They will participate in novel research projects and will write a report on each in the style used by research psychologists. Primary goals are for students to learn (1) testing hypotheses, including data collection and statistical analyses, (2) writing effectively about research plans and findings, and (3) critically evaluating psychological research done by other people. This course requires Statistical Methods in Psychology (Psych 201) or equivalent as a pre-req.


A performing guide for actors for speaking and communicating Shakespeare's text. If students would like to know more about the class read my book "Speaking in Shakespeare's Voice: A Guide for American Actors." It's available on Amazon and on the Northwestern University Press website.

SLAVIC 210-2:

Appreciating two of the greatest novels, Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Designed to help you appreciate why great literature is worth the effort, and to give you skills in reading more of it.

SPAN 115-2-30:

Second course of a two-quarter sequence in introductory Spanish designed for students with previous experience in Spanish. Students will learn Spanish in order to use it beyond the classroom in meaningful and authentic ways at the Intermediate Low level of proficiency. Offered in spring.

Future Fluent: Ride the Wave as the U.S. Becomes the #1 Spanish-Speaking Nation in the World! Grab Your Spanish Minor - Just 8 Units Away!

SPAN 200-0-1:

This course readies heritage Spanish learners for advanced studies in the target language by exploring contemporary topics in the Spanish-speaking world. It provides insights into how historical events have influenced the present in Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. Latino/a/x communities. Students will develop a critical awareness of their language skills, with a focus on reading and writing. It is designed for students who grew up with Spanish as their main language at home. Prerequisite: Spanish heritage learners who have completed SPANISH 127-0, AP of 4 or Departmental Placement.

Future Fluent: Ride the Wave as the U.S. Becomes the #1 Spanish-Speaking Nation in the World! Grab Your Spanish Minor - Just 8 Units Away!

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