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  • Writer's picturewillardexec

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!

Event Details

‘Recession for Your Depression’ Study Session: Has finals week got you down like the economy? enjoy recession pop music (circa 2008) and sweet treats to fuel your studying for finals!

Just Dance Party: A fun dance party experience to celebrate the end of the quarter and destress during finals week!

Pi Day Munchies: No such thing as too much pie- come get personal size pies from Bennison’s  in the WFFL

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  • Writer's picturewillardexec

Reading (kinda) week!

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!

Event Details

Clothing Swap with Hobart/CRC: We are partnering with Hobart and CRC to hold a clothing swap! Bring your clothes that you want to get rid of and get new clothes for free. You don't need to donate clothes to get clothes, nor do you need to get clothes if you donate. If you'd like to donate clothes but can't make it at this time, text Margaret at (513) 225-4906

Fireside with Dr. Susan Osborn: Teaching Music Through Photography and Architecture

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