Spring has sprung! (sorta)
Willard News
High Table: Monday High Table will be at 1 pm this quarter. Thursday will still be at 12 pm.
Willard Chairs: If you are interested in being Willard’s Intramural (IM) Chair or Wellness Chair for the upcoming year, contact Matt Zellner or Chloe Mintz for more information on the position. The IM Chair would be responsible for organizing Willard IM teams each quarter, and the Wellness Chair would be responsible for organizing wellness events, activities, and/or tips.
To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!
Event Details
Service & Philanthropy Introduction: This event will introduce what Service and Philanthropy will look like and offer discussion for project ideas, questions, and comments. It will also introduce potential community partners. Easter Egg Hunt: Hunt for eggs around Willard! There will be eggs hidden all over the building with treats inside. If you see an egg hidden before the start of the event, please do not grab it.
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The best way to stay caught up with Willard news is by reading The Weekly Woo and checking the Announcements Woochat on Groupme!
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