Did everyone enjoy the single day of sunshine yesterday?
Willard News
In response to certain resident concerns, Willard Exec is hosting a Townhall Thursday night at 8pm in Room B72. Attendance is strongly encouragedespecially if you are returning to Willard next year. This Willard Townhall is an open space where residents can share ideas about community guidelines that should be upheld. Setting these guidelines is important, so we can continue to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment. If there are any points you would like to be raised or guidelines you would like to be implemented in Willard, please submit them to this anonymous form.
Reminder that Exec is hosting an event for Woos with at least 20 points from Spring Quarter, so keep racking up those points!
Upcoming Events
On Monday, stop by High Table from 12-1pm in the Allison Mezzanine!
Then, that night, head up to SPAC at 9pm to cheer on our IM soccer team!
Journaling Club continues on Tuesday at 7pm. Stop by the WFFL to write or just do some homework!
Thursday is a packed day (you could get up to 11 points - more than half of what you need to attend Willard’s Spring Party)!
High Table will be from 12-1pm in the Allison Mezzanine.
Then, head over to The Great Room for Coffee Hourat 1pm!
Munchies will feature food from La Cocinita in the WFFL at 5pm.
Most importantly, at 8pm in B72 there will be a Willard Townhall. This event is worth 5 points and attendance is strongly encouraged especially if you are returning to Willard next year. Information about Townhall can be found above. Here is the anonymous form to submit any points or guidelines for the Willard community that you would like to be raised during the meeting.
Lastly, wish Wendy Klunk a happy birthday on Sunday!
To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!
Follow us!
The best way to stay caught up with Willard news is by reading The Weekly Woo and checking the Official Formal Woochat on Groupme!