and the colors have gone full circle <3
RCB News
ResTalks: This upcoming Tuesday, RCB will be hosting ResTalks in Fisk 217 from 6-8 pm. The event will entail three, 15 minute TED-style fireside talks by faculty fellows, followed by a reception with refreshments for students to meet and mingle with the presenters. The speakers will be: Mel Keiser, Sarah Hae-in Idzik, and Julie Windsor Mitchell! Read more about their topics here, and sign up through the interest form here!
RCB Formal: RCB Formal is coming soon! Keep an eye out for more information coming soon on the RCB instagram.

To let us know if you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the anonymous Feedback Form or contact any member of exec!
Event Details
RCB ResTalks: This upcoming Tuesday, RCB will be hosting ResTalks in Fisk 217 from 6-8 pm. The event will entail three, 15 minute TED-style fireside talks by faculty fellows, followed by a reception with refreshments for students to meet and mingle with the presenters. The speakers will be: Mel Keiser, Sarah Hae-in Idzik, and Julie Windsor Mitchell! Read more about their topics here, and sign up through the interest form here!
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