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Weekly Woo Fall Eight

‘Sko Daylight Savings

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Event Details

Fireside: Camp: “Camp is dandyism in the age of mass culture” - Susan Sontag “Camp is cross-dressing in a Freudian slip” - Philip Core “Camp is granny specs” - Mark Booth Still confused about what camp actually is? Come to Dr. Petry’s fireside on Tuesday to figure it out. And maybe get an extra pair of granny specs. Double Tea Tuesday: Spill the tea while drinking tea! Card Games: Come play cards! Learn new games or challenge your friends to the classics. Some decks will be provided, but bring extras if you have them. Twilight Watch Party: Celebrate the 15th Twi-versary! Themed Trivia Tournament: Come to the PCKL (Willard Seminar Room, B72) for an exciting, never-been-done-before Themed Trivia Tournament. Please fill out the following Google Form before the event if you’re planning on coming, but we will also accept people day of. Look out for hints throughout the week and a chance to guess the theme...

Need Winter Courses?

More Info! PSYCH 367: Will be held in the PCKL (Willard B72). GER 272/REL 272: We study how Martin Luther, the 16th century Protestant Reformer, shaped the way we think today about justice, freedom, individuality, church/state relations, and marriage/sexuality. This course is an introduction to how and why we think about the world today. We will learn critical skills to better understand the world as it is as well as constructive skills to help us imagine a world worth living in. POL 108-2: This course is the second in a three-quarter sequence introducing students to Polish language and contemporary culture. We continue to learn the basic grammar of Polish and students progress in speaking, listening, writing, and reading through a variety of communicative, content-based activities in a proficiency-orientated curriculum. Emphasis is placed on practical communication so that students should be able to function at a basic level in several authentic situations by the end of the year. If you're interested in starting Polish, but didn't take 108-1, I will work with students to bring them up to speed so they can start Polish in the Winter. HIST 319: The United States has been, since at least 1945, the most powerful country on the planet. Its foreign relations are thus a matter of interest, not only as part of U.S. history, but also as part of global history. This upper-level lecture course considers the rise of the United States and asks how it came to be the sort of world power it is. The course is not, however, merely a history of wars and diplomacy. It is also a history of ideas, social movements, technologies, and globalization. We’ll pay special attention to the themes of race, empire, and democracy as we follow the story of U.S. foreign relations from founding to the present. HIST 300: We live in an information age, with computers of unprecedented power in our pockets. This course seeks to understand how information shapes our lives today, and how it has in the past. It does so via an interdisciplinary inquiry into four technological infrastructures of information and communication—print, wires, airwaves, and bits. This is co-taught with Aaron Shaw in Communication Studies SLAV 411: We will read short works from Russia and elsewhere posing philosophical questions. We will examine how those stories work and the questions they pose. Readings from Tolstoy, Chekhov, Voltaire, Borges, Lem, the Bible, Madrash, Kafka, Swift, Gogol, Dostoevsky, and others. Undergraduates should have taken either one of my classes; or some other literature or philosophy classes. They will need permission of instructor, so they should contact me. I try to give preference to Willard students (it's a small, seminar style class). COMP_SCI 110: This course is an introduction to computer programming using Python and assumes no prior programming knowledge. Even if you're afraid of your computer, you can learn how to program. Most people who need to write computer programs are not computer scientists, but rather people who occupy a range of professions (journalists, geographers, sociologists, scientists, artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, etc.) and who use various programming languages to accomplish diverse and specialized goals. While in 10 short weeks we can't become expert programmers, what we can do is start to see what sorts of tasks computers can be taught (programmed) to do and understand the steps necessary to program (teach) them how to do it. This class involves working with data of all kinds: graphics, animation, music, games, and more. Feel free to send me an email ( with any questions! SLAVIC 328 / GERMAN 328: This course examines Prague, one of the most beautiful and culturally vibrant cities in Europe. The city's magnificent streets and buildings both conceal and reveal a past full of multi ethnic coexistence and inter ethnic conflict. The course aims to understand the development of Prague over the past two centuries from a multicultural, democratic city to a homogeneous, communist one, and ultimately to its present open and capitalist incarnation. We will read a range of literary and historical sources, including the story of the Golem and writings by Milan Kundera, Václav Havel, and Franz Kafka. No prerequisites, non-majors are welcome.

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